Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thor 2011 (Eng) by RUNNYBABBIT Movie Download

Thor 2011 torrent


Torrent Size: 815 MB

Runtime: 115 min
Audio: AC3
Language: English
Frame Rate: 24 fps
Video Audio Bitrate: 440 kbps
Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins, Natalie Portman
Year: 2011
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Kenneth Branagh

Review: When? I hear? el,? e made film character Thor, I had the VA? Nah approach with trepidation. When? I hear? el,? Kenneth Branagh e ordered him to me? you afraid? e given? e Branagh was just a fact? ev? e what hes ever ran in the theater, I was dramas.Going very low expectations for this film, and he? I was blown away. I like it, Branagh has access story super-hero movie, but epic Shakespeare. Fantasy elements alone marvelous.Anthony Hopkins Odin ... I can not imaging him? Teenagers actor portraying him. Her performance captures the essence of the character of Odin, a delicate balance controller ver? Dad e. He exudes power subtle touches are excellent vulnerability.Chris Hemsworth Thor. Hes got a likability about him? Ei those noble? INTENDED place in the story Thors he?? Can see how his friends stand by him. His performance is rock solid and very enjoyable. Tom hiddleston Loki is perfect. Hes caught shallow, slimy, pretty face, but looking at where to draw Nů? in the back, huh? is character.As I said before, no? the story goes fantasy epic, sleeping? e not? painted villa with a super-hero story. Path Jotenheim Asgard itself was? Asnya and it was beautiful to look at. Construction was excellent. Humor in the film was very organic, and never had to. The story of itself is very well balanced? Eno and leave you wondering what the hell is going on. I almost wish will have to be separate upcoming Marvel movies. It works very well as an independent effect epic.The I expected? E really substandard top notch, and even tag the spinning hammer of Thor comics did not look as cheesy as it could be. This film is a gem. In? Ichni players should be proud of their great work performed on the screen. I for one can not wait for the sequel. With a little? Test will also see some of him? Snooker nine regions, as Muspelheim, Alfheim, or even Vanaheim.This is definitely a must-see film,

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